Oracle Develop 2008 Hands On Labs

Written by Paulo Vale on Friday, October 31, 2008

In case you have missed Oracle Open World 2008 and specifically the Oracle Develop Hands On Labs, this post is for you.

The Oracle by Example (OBE) is a site that provides hands-on, step-by-step instructions on how to implement various technology solutions to business problems. The tutorials presented at Oracle Develop 2008 Hands On Labs, part of Oracle OpenWorld 2008 are now available at OBE site.

Related to Oracle Application Express there are some interesting topics deserving some attention. Some tutorials are basic skills level but you will also find some advanced tutorials. I'm sure we can all learn something with them and that's why I made this list.

Under the topic "Extending the Oracle Application Express Framework with Web 2.0" you will find two excellent tutorials on how to incorporate JavaScript and AJAX into your Apex applications:

Incorporating JavaScript into your Application
- Change the value of form elements
- Create client-side JavaScript validation
- Enable and disable form elements
- Hide and show form elements

Using AJAX into your Application
- Add a dependent select list
- Set multiple items based on another item
- Add rollover item help

The topic "Creating High Fidelity PDF Reports with Oracle Application Express" takes Apex reporting to another level integrating Oracle BI Publisher functionalities:

Creating a PDF Report with Multiple Queries
- Create a report query with multiple queries
- Create a report layout using Oracle BI Publisher Desktop
- Invoke a report from an application page

Including Dynamic Images in Your Report

- Add and load a BLOB column
- Create a function that performs the BLOB to CLOB based 64 encoded format conversion
- Create a report query and layout
- Invoke the report from an application page

Storing and Accessing Reports in the Database
- Create a table to store your reports
- Generate and store a report in the database
- Access the stored report in the database

Creating Reports With Dynamic Layout Selection
- Produce multiple report layouts
- Create selection criteria items and processes for report generation
- Run a report dynamically

The topic "Maximizing the Capabilities of Oracle Application Express - Interactive Reports" is like a showcase on using and manipulating Interactive Reports in Oracle Application Express 3.1:

Using Interactive Report Regions
- View a record in your report
- Search for information in your report
- Manipulate the interactive report using the actions menu
- Manipulate the interactive report using column headers

Building and Customizing an Interactive Report
- Create an Application with an interactive report
- Manipulate and customize your interactive report

Utilizing Advanced Interactive Report Region Techniques
- Reset your Interactive Report Manually
- Create a declarative filter
- Create a derived predefined filter

The topic "Building a Functional Application Using Oracle Application Express 3.1" is appropriated to beginners and will show how you can rapidly create an application using Oracle Application Express:

Manipulating Database Objects
- Create a table
- Modify a table

Creating and Running an Application
- Create an application
- Edit Application Objects
- Create List of Values (LOVs)

Adding Additional Components to your Existing Application
- Add and modify a report, form, chart, and calendar
- Create LOVs and validation items
- Apply a new theme
- Update a navigation list

Adding Security to your Application

- Create a user
- Limit access to a user

Other interesting subjects, not directly about Apex, but somehow related and not to be missed:

Migrate Your Third-party Database to Oracle Database 11g Today
Migrating a Microsoft Access Database to Oracle Database 11g
Migrating a Microsoft SQL Server Database to Oracle Database 11g
Migrating a Sybase Database to Oracle Database 11g

Managing Your Database with Oracle SQL Developer
Managing your Database with Oracle SQL Developer - An Overview
Oracle SQL Developer 1.5 New Features

Source Code Control and User-defined Extensions in Oracle SQL Developer
Using Source Code Control in Oracle SQL Developer
Creating User-defined Extensions in Oracle SQL Developer

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